Our dekoratives Ananasglasis handmade in earthenware of China,with a elegant metallic gold leaf lid,can be used as a decorative canister,or decorative object only. Can be smaller and filled with was as a candle holder. Hand wash only.
Don't know when flamingo is a popular and welcome icon for life collection,but it really can become a bright icon in your home collection. Flamingo Catchall, wow..
Dinosaur collection is quite popular recently. We have Dinosaurier Figur , Dinosaurier-Pflanzer , Dinosaurier-Terrarium , Dinosaurier-Vase und andere Dinosaurier-Sammlungfor your home decors.
Porcelain material with heavy weighted quality,electroplating color in Rose or Copper,are always popular as your home decoration collection with Keramik Hirsch Figurdeco.
Goldgriff-Goldabziehbild beste keramische Kaffeetasse, we use our best porcelain material, it's strong and heavy enough, great white color with gold handle.